King Dail Took a Level in Badass, going from brainwashed minion in the first game (who is implied to have had the brainwashing thrashed out of him by his brother Spade) to a fair and just ruler who, upon learning that his brother made off with Syntax as "payment for his services" and had lied to the heroes about being sent by Dail, proceeds to "bust him up good".You have both our gratitude and my deepest respect. I have never seen you fight as fiercely as you did today. Lilac: Milla, that was amazing! We saw the whole thing! You kicked butt, girl! ( after the fight, Serpentine's ejection and Milla's laughter) I beat you up and take out the resonance link. Milla: ( falls once Syntax leaves points up at Serpentine) Or. Serpentine: ( while Milla is firing) What? NO! Stop it! Bad dog! BAD DOG! Sit down and take your mutation like a good puppy! ( exit Syntax) Milla: ( erupts into righteous fury) NEVER!! ( prepares and fires murder cubes directly at Syntax one at a time) Serpentine: ( while Milla's friends are caged and her mind in a haze) You will be reborn into a proper war dog completely subservient to the will of Lord Brevon! You'll be a mindless weapon, just like mommy and daddy! And the very first thing you're going to do. She left Bakunawa a much stronger girl, and both Lilac and Neera say as much. While her friends did cheer her up after he dumped her origins in front of them, it doesn't change the fact that this was her moment. For all the raw horror Milla had to endure from Brevon in the first game and Serpentine in this one, one can't help but cheer at the end of the Inversion Dynamo, where she - in order - reveals that she was using Serpentine to board Bakunawa and had no intention of killing her friends, blasts Syntax hard enough to suspend the resonance link, takes out Serpentine's mecha single-handedly to break the link entirely, and then blasts him off the Bakunawa. Look out, world! There's a new Milla in town! ( laughs wickedly)

Gotta go! ( runs one way, almost gets face-skewered by Neera's ice staff runs the other way, takes six rapid-fire murder cubes from Milla) BUT I HAD ALL THE CAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDS-! Merga: A bold move, General, but the will of Bakunawa has been restored.
With Code Black installed, I can simply flood this chamber with my robots! Then we'll see who has the last l- ( cue Bakunawa rollback and removal of Code Black) No! NOOOOOO! What happened?!

Neera: And what, exactly, were you planning to tell me? That the Magister is evil? That Merga is somehow going to make the world a better place? I've gone through every explanation you could possibly give me, and every one of them is idiotic and FOOLISH!Īskal: The Magister was a tool, Neera! Wielded by his ancestors to keep an immoral peace through lies and coverups! ( approaches Neera) Your loyalty was to a weak man who made you feel lonely and isolated.

Askal: Hey, I said I would explain when I had the chance! And now here we are.